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![]() Learn a little more about us, as well as some information that may help you when choosing your pet. Indeed we are here to assist you to in any respect.Kennel "Berger" began with nurturing Labrador in March 2007 when we got home and the first Labrador BATOLOMEY. To our great fortune, with Batolomeys arrival, we got outstanding England lineage (ROCHEBY, CORNLANDS, CARPENNY, POOLSTEAD). So you still take care of kennel mate with whom and with which our lineage mate females. When choosing a puppy it was for the exhibition or as a pet strongly recommend that you pay attention to his lineage, and he does and informs parents and ancestors of a puppy.![]() |
Because there puppy in his first year of life the child reaches the age of 14 years (more or less depending on the breed), Trošić huge amounts of energy. It is vital that the food gets a good balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Therefore will ensure a long and healthy life of his friends. Each breed is growing and developing at different rates. Consult with your breeder or veterinarian regarding selection of the types and amounts of food to suit the age of your puppy and adult dog later.
Sensitive digestive and immune system
In the period between the fourth and 12 week puppy gradually loses immune protection it received from the mother through the first milk (colostrum). The faster build its own immunity is becoming a priority.
Like all puppies of large breeds, the Labrador has a sensitive system of the digestive system, which is still underdeveloped and limited capacity. These factors prevent the puppy to enter the amount of protein and other essential nutrients, so neoophodna highly digestible food.
As you've surely noticed, responsibly claim that there is "perfectly balanced and balanced food for dogs." So there you go, even nature can offer. It is therefore important that you're feeding your pet eats a balanced and contains plenty of vitamins, nutrients and all the other ingredients that your dog will allow normal development, healthy living and a peaceful and carefree age. Each monotony of diet, whether you are using natural foods, and some of its ingredients or industrial, inevitably leading to body weakness irresistance and susceptibility to many diseases. Rule of diversity applies even if you feed your dog Insert food for dogs. Even then not miss the chance to spice up their dog food with meat and vegetables.
Fresh, clean water should always be available to the dog. The importance of the role of water in the dog's body indicated by the fact that even the dog blood contains 25% water. Water cleanses the body dog, and already 10% loss of body fluids (water) can cause serious symptoms. During the summer water dog helps to regulate body heat. Water is present in every tissue of the dog. Even the bones contain water. Water stimulates gastric juices and enhances their activity. And therefore, never, literally never, do not forget that it is your duty to your dog uviek secure sufficient quantities of fresh and clean water.
You should totally throw chicken bones, then the bones that contain spikes or hard breaking. The highest value of having the bones of young animals (calves, etc.). Chicken bones breaking when creating needles and spikes that can injuries mouth and other parts of the welding machines. Besides lesion, tubular bones provide heavy prisons. Dung control (if hard stool) Knowledge that you can, and to what extent, to give your dog a bone. With proper nutrition chair should be looking sausage, brown or svetlobraon color. Hard to beložuta and white chair tells us that the dog ate more bones than garbage and that we need to limit him. Tamnocrna chair-giving meat too. Slithering, misshapen chair-too gelatinous food. In all these cases, we must pay more attention to nutrition.
Labrador retrievers are powerful dogs, medium athletic build, especially a strong tail. Females weigh about 25-32 kg and males about 35 - 38 kg. Their hair is short and smooth, it can be black, yellow or chocolate (brown) color.
General appearance:
Strongly built, short loins, very mobile. Broad skull. Chest and ribs deep and well-rounded. Broad and strong over loins and hindquarters.
Balanced, very vigilant, excellent nose, soft mouth with enthusiasm going into the water, it has the ability to adapt to the dedicated companion.
Intelligent, alert and obedient, with a great desire gives joy to his master. Kindly nature, with no trace of aggression or undue shyness.
Head and Skull:
Broad skull with clear rate, well modeled without fleshy cheeks. Jaws of medium length, full strength, not spreading. Wide, nostrils well developed.
Medium size, expressing intelligence and good temper. Brown or hazel.
Not large or heavy, hanging close to head and set rather far back.
Jaws and teeth strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, ie upper teeth interspaces covered jaws. Teeth placed vertically in the jaw.
Clean, strong, powerful, set into well placed shoulders.
Shoulders long and sloping. Forelegs well boned and straight from elbow to ground, regardless of whether they are viewed from either front or sides.
Chest of good width and depth, with well sprung barrel ribs. Level topline. Broad, short and strong loin.
Well sculpted, not steep, well turned stifle. Cowhocks expressed in most highly undesirable.
Round, compact with well-developed pads.
Distinctive feature, very thick towards base, gradually tapering towards tip, medium length. Without feathering, but clothed thickly all round with short, thick, dense coat that makes it round, and this is called the tail Vidra tail. Pomera ga joyful, yet should not curl over the back.
Leisure, wins space in front and back legs are straight and parallel.
Distinctive feature, short dense without wave or feathering, giving fairly hard, resisting undercoat bad weather.
Wholly black, yellow or liver-chocolate. Yellows range from light cream to red fox. Acceptable is a small white spot on his chest.
Ideal height for males 56-57 cm, females 54-56 cm. Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Labrador retriever or a king of the race that comes from England, and according to some data from the region of St. John's in Newfoundland, Canada. It emerged in the 19th century. There are ga called small water dog, to differentiate it from the larger newfounlandera. One legend says that the Labrador retriever born of love between a dog and an otter St. John, and in support of this theory states the basic characteristics of this race - Vidra tail.
One of the most popular breeds in the UK and in the U.S. - in and of France's first race Used as a hunting dog, a service dog - in the police to find drugs, as a guide dog blind, and of course as a pet.
Male height at the withers is 56-57 inches with deviations up to 61 inches, avisina females 54-55 inches. Body weight is between 26-36 pounds. The coat is short and thick with a water-resistant undercoat, monochrome black, chocolate brown or svetložuta. The hair is not difficult, it is necessary to brush once a week, and more frequently during shedding. The head is broad, with a strong jaw, eyes medium size, brown or hazel. The ears are set low, falling towards the head. This dog is a nicely proportioned, powerfully built, with a strong, deep thorax.
Labradors are obedient, intelligent, social and affectionate dogs. Like water, are good swimmers and hunters trackers. Labradors are generally correlate well with other dogs and companion animals. In the presence of the children were extremely patient and loving. They are real friends of man - why are not suitable watchdogs. Are among the most popular family dogs. Extremely intelligent and easy to accept training for different types of tasks. Not tolerate rudeness. Labrador has proven to be an excellent therapist who returned to the patient's will to live, where the dog establishes specific meaningful contact with the patients, children suffer from paralysis of child, in rehabilitation facilities, sanatoriums, nursing homes and even diagnostic purposes in amelioration of certain disease conditions, assistance to the handicapped persons in socialization.
In addition to all the care, attention you provide your dog it is necessary to educate and learn the basic rules and rules of conduct. Many dogs education considered unnecessary, and even a kind of "torture". Some just want their dog listens to a few, basic commands and are satisfied if the dog obeys only occasionally and after a few repeat orders because she did not attribute any importance. Yet most owners is clear that the education of the dog is very important. Of course, everyone is going to their pet does something wrong, so you should know how to act in such a position, that is. how to "punish" improper conduct. The best way to show him that he has done something wrong are:
• Little by "tapping" on the head
• Tie him to a short chain (of course only if it is not otherwise in the chain)
• If you know the command quiet or anything, slightly raise the tone and say the command.
It may seem that some of these commands a bit "radical" or too strict, and really timid for dogs and are not suitable ... It is the best command quiet.
There are people who punish bad behavior dog kicking, screaming, rude way ... so after they wonder why their dog is violent and aggressive. So this way is the worst way because:
• Because of these breeding dogs can become violent
• That if you do really well izlupate does not mean he will stop doing it immediately, but will again, at least once to make the same mistake.
Why yelling at the dog is (not) well:
• Some dogs understand when one raises voice to be angry
• Some like to understand shouting for fun ... do not take your mistake.
Of course when the dog behaves well, it should be rewarded in some way - so he will eventually learn to distinguish good from bad behavior. Good behavior can reward the dog:
• Commendation
• Pats
• Desserts
• Playing…
Dressing is a French word that means training animals to respond in some way to the conditional stimuli. Basic training consists in das the dog learns from the outset that the given command executes a specific action, and to repeat that action engages. Longer repetition creates habit and mechanical dog to a given command performs a specific action.
People who have trained dogs have enormous patience to be a full understanding and know that their training should be given plenty of time, because the dog can not be understood at your command. Opinions on when it is best to start obedience training are different. It is known to all that the best dressing dog while he was still a puppy - the puppy, no matter how playful and happy with it 4 months, he has to listen to some of the basics, because the later is much more difficult to put things right if he does not let me listen to or slightly . But the bigger dogs can learn the commands, only to go a little harder and longer. Just be persistent and in the end your dog will be obedient, educated and trained.
Dog learn the command so that when you take a cookie and command him to meet those cookie (no matter if he accidentally did what you asked). It is important at all times to repeat the command. Do not teach a dog npr.jedan day a little sit down, lie a little, give a little paw, but when he learns one command then you start to learn another. Of course the dog can not learn all day - and he has his vacation time ...
Kneel and put his hand in the cookie so that your dog can not come over to him. Put a handful of cookies where there would be the position of the head of a dog when he sits. Few hold in this position, and if not then it sits a bit lower your arm or lift to place a cookie to the dog looking down and wait for a seat.
This command is much easier to teach a dog knows the command sit. If your dog knows the command sit, then tell him to sit down. Place the cookie in your hand and let your dog follows your hand. Lower the arm so that when the dog follows then that means lie-hand go down and facing you. When teaching this command, then it would be best to sit. And if your dog knows the command sit the same way you can try.
This command is much easier to teach a dog knows the command sit. If your dog knows the command sit, then tell him to sit down. Place the cookie in your hand and let your dog follows your hand. Lower the arm so that when the dog follows then that means lie-hand go down and facing you. When teaching this command, then it would be best to sit. And if your dog knows the command sit the same way you can try.
Dog eat not learn the command by placing a cookie on the other hand in the dog and in a higher pitch when talking to close food: Do not eat! When you eat it in a way that the show has done wrong, and if you do not eat, then give him a cookie in his hands and anointed him in the head. If you're wondering what does this statement is that when you eat something the dog does not jump on you.
Command to wait for a dog to learn to talk to him all the time waiting! and every movement is increasingly udaljavajte from him.
Dog learn to command quiet so that when something bad did I yell QUIET!
The habit of approaching the owner of the puppy command COME! It can develop from day one. While the dog has learned these commands babbling and good food will always have a positive effect on him. During learning the dog should not be penalized for failure to task, since it would lead to the non-appearance or occasional arriving. In your hand and say COME cookie, (name) comes, He will surely come.
Dog to go for a walk so you learn every day a little walk around the yard or around the home (or at home), just to learn. You can hold something in your hand so that the dog follows you, but it's only the beginning. It is important that the dog is on a leash when you know to go with you, you can not swerve and pull you where he wants ...
When the dog responds to the command name and COME! can start getting used to the collar, and most dogs can easily get used to it. The very act usually practiced during walking when the dog is busy environment and not paying attention to the placement and removal of necklaces. In the beginning it is better to use a longer leash (8 to 10 meters) to the dog and felt freer in his slowly getting used to shorten the radius of movement to the feet of the owner. Each time when coming out of the yard or indoors dog needs to put a leash to get used to it. These dogs learn quickly, and when they see you wearing leash dog owner is happy because he knows that the next tour. Dogs adopted different commands and learning, some faster, some slower (females slightly faster). This is explained by Pavlov's theory of higher nervous activity types in dogs. Based on these differences, all dogs classified into four basic types: an exciting or edgy, balanced, lively, balanced, calm, bad or apathetic. Regardless of the type of dog, it is of utmost importance when working with a dog establish a proper harmonious relationship. The relationship must be based on complete trust a dog to its owner and induce a desire for contact and communication with him.
The program begins by eliminating the requirement of giving attention to the dog. When a dog comes up to you and you gently prodding hands, saying, "It helps me! cuddle me! "ignorišitete it. Do not tell him, "No", do not odgurivati. Simply pretend you do not notice it. This is what works before giving results so do not be surprised if he tries harder to get your attention. When you realize that it is no longer worth it, will cease. In a pack, dogs in senior positions may require the attention of those at the lower, not the other way around. When you give attention to his dog at his request, telling him that he has a higher status in the pack than you (ie Alpha status).
At dog shows organized by Kennel Club, dogs can not compare them to one another, but can be measured by the standards of the ideal dog-description and a list of qualities that kinolozi compiled and entered into it occasionally changes. Judges look for dogs that are closest to this ideal, and assessing poor dogs that are farther away from the standard. May participate in exhibitions only purebred dogs in the show have at least three months.
During the exhibition
Take your place in the row of dogs and exhibitors, place the dog in showroom position so instead of the desired position of his legs and tail vrat.Sudija, usually an experienced grower, assess mental and fizčike traits of your dog. Views will stout body, hair and assess conformity with the standard dog race. Sudino standard interpretation is subjective, and therefore different dogs wins the various exhibitions.
Standard describes the race and the way it should be moving dog. The judge may ask you to make multiple rounds inside the ring so that he could see the dog from the side, front and rear punishing every stilted movement. Dogs who beats Movement show confidence and joy. Although the judge focused on the dogs, is an important relationship between the dog and owner.
Selection of winners
The judge may make a shortlist and will have chosen to make another circle inside that ring. The winner receives the title of champion class, and the other dogs are awarded grades from excellent to poor. The winners of various classes (males, females, young, adult) one race can compete for the world title race. Dogs who get a world title race is still vying for the title of best in their FCI group. Group winners compete for the sweetest dog shows.